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Business Insights

The Language Industry Beyond COVID-19

After more than two months of lockdown, the COVID-related government restrictions in the EU are easing up. With businesses reopening and employees slowly returning to their offices, it's easy to believe: a return to business as usual in the language industry is just around the corner. But it's not. After this crisis, business as usual just won’t cut it. The game has changed too much. Don't let the change slip under your radar. Here’s the translation and interpretation industry’s post-COVID playbook. The impact of COVID-19 on the language industry It follows that the COVID crisis hit different sectors of the translation and interpretation industry in different ways. While the impact of social distancing measures on interpreters was immediate, with all events canceled early- or mid-March, translators have been successively absorbing the shock wave over the course of the pandemic. Some say the worst is yet to come. The translation business has run the gamut of crisis impact from low to high: Data source: European…
Hanna Marciniak
26. 5. 2020